Thursday, March 12, 2009

Managing behaviour

The TLRU has recently purchased the Bill Rogers series "Managing Behaviour" on DVD. We have multiple copies available for loan. Please contact the TLRU via email to or phone 9677 4344 to borrow the following items.

The Managing Behaviour series includes the following :

Positive Correction
In this training video Bill discusses and gives in-class demonstrations of the following skills: Privately understood signals, tactical ignoring, distraction & diversion, partial agreement, pause direction, question & feedback, take up time, choice direction, cool-off time, rule reminders.

Bill explores: The four R's of classroom management, noise meters, class meetings, and models the skills of peer negotiation, rehearsal, reframing, planned encouragement, communicating calmness and collegial support.

This video has Bill answering questions commonly asked by teachers: What about frequent offenders? How can a school address bullying? What consequences can be applied to swearing and other offensive behaviours? How to exit a child from the classroom? What to do if a child runs out of the classroom when they are corrected? How to use cool-off time?

Repair and Rebuild:
This video focuses on: restitution, mirroring, follow up meetings, hard class syndrome, attention deficit disorder, student motivation, playground management, re-entry after suspension and apologies.

Bill is an Educational Consultant, author, Lecturer and Adjunct Professor of Education at Griffin University (Queensland, Australia). A teacher by profession, he now lectures widely on discipline and behaviour management issues; classroom management; stress and teaching; colleague support; developing peer-support programmes for teachers and developing community orientated policies for behaviour management, based on whole-school approaches.

He works in every area of education (primary, secondary and tertiary) conducting in-service programmes for teachers, lecturing widely at colleges and universities, work with parent groups and with students.